Beauty captivates the heart and soul through the gaze of an observer. Generational memories embed in our minds, offering clues, suggestions, and frameworks. When a piece fits perfectly, we feel the gratification of “beauty” — visually, emotionally, and aesthetically.Trends present us with diverse perspectives. Under their sway, what was once detestable can become tolerable, and eventually, endearing.The essence of human beauty lies in our paradoxical nature: we are singular entities, yet we encompass the universe. Our beauty is in our capacity to journey — across the globe and within the enigmatic realms of our body and mind — perpetually unraveling truths and untruths.We are unique objects, feeling a constant artificial pressure to modify and conform what is organic and natural. A vast chasm grows between knowing and feeling. We walk with immeasurable pressure from aesthetic standards, often sacrificing the inner for the outer. Yet, like mycelium, connection remains the key.